Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers = Success
The common denominator of all AZ GOLF volunteers is the simple desire to give something back to the game that they love.
The success of our member programs is dependent upon the great individuals willing to lend their time to make these events happen.
Whether you have a lot of time to give or just a few hours, we’d love to have you involved!
Volunteer Positions
While some positions require training, education, and/or experience, many do not and onsite training is always available.

Rules Official
A Rules Official has working knowledge of the Rules of Golf and significant on-course experience. Rules Officials are authorized to decide questions of fact and apply the Rules of Golf. A Rules Official may: assist players with the Rules, setup and prepare the golf course, and be assigned as a Pace Official.
Training and certification are required.

Tournament & Event Volunteer
Tournament & Event Volunteers may take on a variety of roles at an AGA event. These roles may include acting as a Starter or Scoring volunteer, serving as a Greeter, Registration volunteer, Hydration Attendant or a Checkpoint Monitor.
Onsite training is provided for these roles.

Course Rating Volunteer
Course Rating volunteers are essential to the World Handicap System (WHS). These volunteers require training and certification.