Do you want to make it quick and easy for your members to pay their dues?
Explore resources to help you manage your member club, including benefits, online join and renew, policies and procedures, schedules, training, and more.
Designed specifically to make your job a whole lot easier and much more efficient.
The United States Golf Association (USGA), which authorizes the AGA to use the World Handicap System™, has established the Handicap System Licensing Program. The USGA Handicap System Licensing Program for Clubs began January 1, 2005 and is a requirement for all clubs in the United States wishing to utilize the USGA Handicap System. AZ GOLF maintains all licensing agreements on file for inspection by the USGA when requested.
Clubs have access to more than three million golfers' information to verify Handicap Indexes for club member-guest and invitational events.
Handicap Software
The WHS provides the ability for golfers to post their score at the course played, view their trend Handicap, as well as their current record of scores.
The USGA Admin Portal allows the Handicap Chair to perform file maintenance for members (add new members, score corrections, post scores, run reports, etc.) by logging in from any computer that has access to the internet.
The club billing and management portal is completely automated and gives clubs access to club activity 24/7. This will dramatically reduce the workload of your membership chair and treasurer. Clubs can view their current roster, add or remove golfers, make online payments, and review online transactions of their members. They can view current and past billing history as well as unbilled activity.
Contact Susan Woods for more details.
Let AZ GOLF take care of collecting your member dues. Your members, or potential members, can join or renew anytime, anywhere through AZ GOLF’s online join and renew portal. The tools provide complete flexibility for your club and allows you to set your own membership options, including membership types, eligibility, pricing, promotions, discounts, and add-ons. We can even set it up so your members can automatically renew each year.
We are excited to continue our relationship with Golf Genius and pleased to announce that we plan to subsidize the full cost of Golf Genius TM Club for member clubs electing to use that version of the software, in 2025 and for the foreseeable future. While it comes with a higher financial burden for the Arizona Golf Association in future years, we understand the value of this software as a club and member benefit and have made necessary adjustments to continue our support.
Member clubs have the option to upgrade to Golf Genius TM Club Premium on their own and also take advantage of additional Golf Genius products to better serve their membership. For more information on the Golf Genius suite of products, please visit their website HERE.
If you would like to speak with us directly about the Golf Genius offerings available to you, please contact Eric Hickenlooper at your convenience.
The AZ GOLF Club Delegate/Representative Program has an important role as a communicator and supporter of AZ GOLF. Their involvement helps to promote the game of golf to members of their home club. Delegates/Representatives receive monthly newsletters on the activities to help ensure Member Clubs are aware of, and understand, the full benefits of AZ GOLF membership services.
Education seminars are designed to help clubs improve their efficiency in many facets of their operations and share ideas with other clubs. They are held each year in different locations throughout Arizona. These seminars feature topics like the World Handicap System, Rules of Golf, Rules of Amateur Status, Delegate Representative Workshops, and Town Halls.
AZ GOLF member clubs are listed in the online Club Directory, making it easy for your members and your potential members to find you. It is a valuable resource used by AZ GOLF members throughout the year. The listing includes the club's name, address, telephone number, and website.
The Club Visit Program provides an opportunity for club officials to meet with AZ GOLF staff to discuss the various programs offered by the association and the role AZ GOLF plays in serving the golf community. The visits occur at the local club and allow issues to be proactively addressed, while providing a forum for member clubs to give feedback to AZ GOLF.
Knowledgeable AZ GOLF staff members are in the office and can help answer those tricky questions on the Rules of Golf. In addition, a member of the AZ GOLF Championships Department or an Expert Volunteer will be happy to provide a Rules of Golf workshop for your members.
Each member club is required to appoint a Handicap Chair and a Delegate/Representative to represent its club and its members’ interests to AZ GOLF. If the club installs other officers, we would love to know who they are as well. Please submit a Club Officer Form each year.
Handicap Chairs administer the Rules of Handicapping, ensuring an equitable experience for the club's members. Delegates/Representatives are charged with being the communications link between AZ GOLF and their constituents, club and/or course.
The quick and easy way for your members to join your club.
Do you want to make it quick and easy for your members to pay their dues?
Do you want AZ GOLF to take care of the collections for you?
Many AZ GOLF clubs are taking advantage of the Online Join & Renew Program, an Association benefit which allows club members to pay for their memberships online. It is quick and easy for the member to do, and it makes your job easier.
Not only does the member update their own profile information so you don’t have to, they can pay their dues through our site, which means we cover all credit card charges!
You can have AZ GOLF collect just Association dues or collect Association dues plus any additional club fees that you have. If you want to add-on optional fees, like a President’s Cup or Hole-in-One Club, it is not a problem. We can do that too!
You receive instant notification when members pay.
If we collect money on your club's behalf, we will process payment via ACH direct deposit to your club's bank account by the 10th of the following month.
You have the option to require approval for new members.
You have the option to create a pricing tier with multiple levels of club membership (league play, handicap only, etc).
Use your club description and eligibility requirements to both draw more qualified people to your club and keep those who don’t qualify from applying.
If members belong to more than one club and pay for multiple full-year memberships online, their multi-member discount, on the additional membership(s), is automatically deducted at checkout.
We realize that some of your members may want to continue to pay you directly – NO PROBLEM – you can go online and pay in a batch by credit card or e-check for those members.
With the AZ GOLF's billing management system, it’s easy for you to see who has paid and who has not. You can even set the program to automatically inactivate those that haven’t paid by the end of the year.
It is customizable and completely up to you!